10 Year Work Anniversary Quotes For Myself

10 Year Work Anniversary Quotes For Myself

An anniversary is a timely occurrence or event, otherwise known as a time mark that is set to help one remember a Hallmark of one’s life or to describe a memorable day or achievement. It can be a quarterly, weekly, monthly, Annual, or Bi-annual occurrence. Anniversary aims to help people remember a particular event or occurrence that took place at a point in their life and went down as a memorable one. If you have worked for a decade in an organization, you deserve an accolade. Find ‘10 year work anniversary quotes for myself’ here!

Anniversary quotes are therefore words or sentences that are used to describe how spectacular and memorable such an event is and to show how important it is to a person. Work anniversary quotes are ones used to describe one’s achievements or successes or hallmarks in one’s work or job. And it is essential to mark such an event with an anniversary on the same date of occurrence.

These quotes are specially put up for one’s work anniversary of 10 years, although they can be tweaked and used notwithstanding the number of years your anniversary is clocking. Hence, if you’re looking for the best work anniversary quotes for yourself or loved ones, you’re in the right place. We’ve helped you put together the best and nicest words to help you truly express how you feel on the event of your anniversary.

10 Year Work Anniversary Speech by Employee

1. I bless the Almighty for the grace and privilege to witness today in good health and to stand before you. I’m extremely grateful for the journey so far since I began working here as (name position you work as). I must say, it’s been awesome down the years and I’ve learned a lot working with y’all.

2. It is with great honor and grace that I’m alive to witness a day like this. 10 years ago when I joined this work, I was so lost and I felt like a nobody. But here I am today, with all of the hard work and encouragement from everyone, I was able to pull through and get my acts together.

3. It wasn’t a smooth journey definitely and wasn’t as easy as it seems. 10 years of seamless work and travels and business meetings just so I can be where I am now. But I’m grateful I did all that, and that I took a step and courage to start.

4. When I was newly employed here as a(name your position when you commenced work), everyone saw me as a rookie, a quitter, and as someone who wouldn’t last. I was trampled upon, and not given so many chances. I wasn’t even allowed to breathe because I just kept getting discouraged by everything and everyone.

5. I’d like to thank my boss (you can add your name), who for the past 10 years of working with him/her has been wonderful. Never had he/she treated me like a hireling, but rather as a partner in business. This helped me adjust well and settle in pretty fast, and that has been my source of strength for the past 10 years.

6. Today marks a special moment for me when I newly joined this work 10 years ago. I wasn’t so sure of where I would be in the next 5 years if you asked me back then. But here I am, I’m grateful to the Almighty for growth and life.

7. I haven’t been the most lucky person on earth when it comes to getting employed. When I got the job 10 years ago, I always felt unrest because I felt my contract could be terminated anytime. I’ve had downtimes, fatigues, emotional wear-outs and even gotten queries.

8. When I look back at how I started, I give thanks to the Almighty for how far He has brought me. So many times I felt like giving up and quitting because I wasn’t moving forward, promotion wasn’t forthcoming and I was just there. Eventually, I learned to trust the Almighty, and in the past 10 years, I’ve been promoted (name the no. of times u received promotion)

9. Being a worker in (name of organization) has been an eye-opener. I’ve learned to not be shabby or sloppy with work and to get things done at the right time. Here, I’ve learned, unlearned, and relearned in the last 10 years, and I must say, it’s been amazing.

10. Everyone sees me as that person who gets things done easily not knowing how much work I put in to get those things done. Working here for ten years has helped me with my focus and ability to work and get things done. it’s been excellent down the years.

Message For Completing 10 Years Of Service

11. Dear (enter name), we are glad to have you work with us for the past years. Your tremendous experience and dedication to work for the past 10 years cannot be compared to us, and we’d like to say a big congratulations on hitting this milestone. We wish you a happy work anniversary.

12. It’s been a decade of hard work, consistency, dedication, and determination. All of which have contributed solely to your success at work in the last ten years. We rejoice with you for reaching this great Hallmark, and we wish you the best going forward.

13. Ten years of success, failures, ups, and downs, good and bad from this dedicated worker. Just like yesterday, you penned your employment signature with us, and since then it’s been awesome having you around. Congratulations on this remarkable day of work.

14. A big congratulations to you on the occasion of your work anniversary today. Although you’ve been short of impressive, there’s room for improvement, and we appreciate all your efforts so far. Once again, congratulations to you and thank you for your labor so far

15. Just when we were on the brink of folding, you walked into this organization and turned all things around. Today marks the remarkable day you stepped foot into this organization and began working with us. We are short of words to celebrate a wonderful person like you, and we celebrate with you today on your work anniversary.

16. Thank you cannot be enough to appreciate a wonderful staff like you. you’ve given the best of your years, time, and service to the growth of this organization, and it’s been worthwhile. Today we celebrate your 10th anniversary of excellence and service to us, thank you.

17. You’ve proven time and time again that your loyalty and dedication are with us. We cannot but appreciate you on this special occasion of your work anniversary, and we’d like to celebrate with you. So, thank you for an amazing ten-year journey with us.

18. Kudos to you for a job well done, we are delighted to have had you work with us for the past ten years. You have completed a work service worthy of emulation and we’d like to celebrate and thank you for it. congratulations once again.

19. Today marks the completion of your ten-year work journey, and we are delighted to celebrate with you. As a result, we’d like to give you a small token to celebrate this amazing journey with you. Please visit the resource management office to claim your gift.

20. Here’s to ten years of service, dedication, loyalty, and hard work. We are delighted to have you here with us and we join you to celebrate this outstanding feat. It hasn’t been easy but you stayed through all this while. Congratulations to you.

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How Do I Announce My Work Anniversary

21. Hurray! I’m pleased to announce that I’ve reached another milestone in my work career. A whopping ten-year journey today, and it just gets better from here. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worthwhile, with a lot of lessons all through.

22. Hearty congratulations to me today as I mark the end and beginning of another remarkable work experience. Ten years today and each year has been better than the last, I must say I’m privileged to have the opportunity to work and offer my services.

23. So today is my work anniversary and I almost forgot. Wow! ten years today already and it still feels like yesterday. If you’re seeing this, please drop a prayer for me and wish me well. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m proud of my growth and where I am today.

24. I was just a little close to changing my career and beginning another thing entirely. I didn’t have anyone who could support me back then, I had to rely on my skills and dedication to take me through. Ten years later, I’m celebrating great work achievements and an amazing work career.

25. As I step into another year, looking back at where I started and the journey so far, I can only give thanks and be grateful to the Almighty. Dedicating most of my time to work and having just minimum time for myself, I must say I deserve this feat.

26. So, some years back, exactly ten years ago, I began working at (company’s name). some you know, and some don’t, and I must say it was the best decision I made. And today, which makes it exactly ten years, I celebrate another occasion of my work anniversary. Congratulations to me.

27. It’s been ten good years of making an impact and touching lives. When I began ten years ago, with the sole decision of launching my product brand, I was called not serious and that I wouldn’t last long. Fast forward to a decade later today, I’m the boss of myself and I’m glad I made that decision.

28. I have the best work team and colleagues, one who has turned to friends and siblings. I cannot thank you enough for the help, love, guidance, and assistance you all showed to me all through my time at work. It’s been a decade of consistency with this team, and a very productive one at that.

29. Just when I was on the verge of quitting, and relinquishing to my shell, I stumbled upon the best idea one could have. An idea that would go on to produce one of the best product brands in the world. Today it is ten years of launching and delivering quality services to all of my clients. Happy work anniversary to us.

30. Today, as I commemorate the occasion of my work anniversary, I dedicate this day to all of the people who have made this journey worthwhile and easy to navigate, and to the countless help and advice I received. Thank you all, it’s been a decade of working with y’all, and I look forward to more years together.

Work Anniversary Status For Myself

31. It’s a day of joy for me today as I mark a decade of hard work, dedication, and relentless service. It’s been a long way coming and I must say it hasn’t been easy, but with the help of the Almighty and my colleagues, I’ve survived. celebrate with me because it’s my work anniversary today.

32. It came as a big surprise when I got the employment mail, and the rest is history. Just when I thought I would be out of a job for a year, I got one. Ten years later, I can say I’m living my dream job. Rejoice with me today as I celebrate my work anniversary.

33. I’m the proudest person today because of my achievements so far. Today makes it ten solid years of working diligently in my organization and being at the top of my game above my colleagues is no small job. I’m extremely delighted as I attain this great feat.

34. Rejoice with me for today makes it a decade of selfless service to my work/business. It wasn’t easy, but I thank the Almighty for the grace and strength to stand up till now. I can only say my hard work paid off and I’m glad I didn’t quit before now. Congratulations to me.

35. Many thought I would shut down the very month I started. I had so many challenges and difficulties that I felt like stopping. Everyone I turned to for assistance didn’t help either. But ten years later, I can stand on my own without help from any man. Today, I celebrate the growth and consistency in my work so far.

36. Cheers to an amazing work year, in good health, and lots of achievements. Congratulations to me because it’s my work anniversary, hence it’s time to celebrate over again for the good work done so far. I’m delighted to still be standing after an amazing ten-year work journey.

37. I’m extremely delighted to announce the end of another work year. This year was better than the last, and I’m glad for the improvement I’ve made so far. Grace and strength were bestowed on me all through day one of this journey.

38. Hurray! join me in celebrating a great achievement today as I mark ten years of remarkable results at work. On the occasion of my work anniversary, I just want to thank all who have been there for me since I began, colleagues who turned friends, and my bosses, I’m so grateful to you.

39. Cheers to ten amazing years of personal development and growth. I’m thankful for all of the experiences, both the bitter and the sweet ones, they both helped in molding me to become the better person that I am today. Happy work anniversary to me.

40. Yippee! Happy work anniversary to me. Reflecting on ten solid years of hard work and resilient spirit to my work, as well as the joy of doing what I love and pursuing a career in it. I must say this is a dream come true for me. Wouldn’t you rather celebrate with me?

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