One Year Since My Mom Died Quotes

50 Death Anniversary Messages and One Year Since My Mom Died Quotes

The death anniversary of a mother or grandmother is a very heartbreaking occasion especially if it is a sudden death. It is an event where we have to relive their death and when all the memories we have of them come gushing back. However, a mother who has lived requires celebration.

It is respectful to remember the dead and remember all that they have done while they were alive, death anniversaries are a way of showing them that we still love them and that they will forever be in our memories.

Having to live without them for a year or two is devastating. So gathering together to celebrate them again, remembering the memories we have of them, and praying for them is a sign of respect and that we care.

We have written heartfelt remembrance messages and one year since my mom died quotes for the departed souls of our mothers and grandmothers.

1 Year Mother Death Anniversary Prayer

1. Dear Mother, it’s been a year since you left us, no day has gone by that we don’t miss you and we are finally coming to a realization that you are gone and we cannot bring you back. We pray that your soul finds tranquility. Amen

2. Mom, you have always made sure that there is love and compassion between the family. We will always love you and we are praying that you are resting in paradise, that’s the only place you deserve to be.

3. One year has passed and your memory still lingers, your fragrance is still perceived everywhere in the house. We miss you and we pray that You are happy over there in heaven.

4. It’s been one year since you left our lives to be in a better place. We know you are watching us from heaven, and we pray that God gives you eternal peace. Amen

5. It was the saddest day for us the day you passed on. it’s been one year and we still find ourselves in tears now and then. I know one day we will meet again, till then I pray your soul rests in peace in the comforts of God’s arm.

6. I am the most fortunate to have you as a mom while you were alive. A year has passed now and I still miss you very much. Thank you for being the best mother anyone could have. I pray that your soul is kept safe in heaven.

7. Mom, you suffered here on earth and I am sure you are enjoying your rest with God, I pray that you enjoy comfort and Peace in heaven. May God grant you eternal happiness.

8. O Lord grant me the grace to face the challenges of life without my mother and I pray that your gentle soul continues to rest in peace. The way you were with her is the same way you will be with me here on earth.

9. Dear God, comfort us over the passing of our mother, it’s been a year but it still feels like yesterday. I pray that she is looking down at us and she is happy that she was loved even in her passing.

10. My mother was a kind and loving being, she was the most wonderful soul I have ever met, I pray that God rewards her for all her effort and gives her eternal tranquillity.

2nd Death Anniversary Quotes For Mother

11. Dear mother, you did exceedingly well in raising me. I am now a successful person thanks to your effort and upbringing. Two years feels like two days since you left the face of the earth. I will always love you, Mom.

12. Truly, time flies and life goes on but your memories will never fade from our hearts. It is another year to celebrate your passing and also another year to show you that we still love you and always will.

13. Death takes away kind-hearted and loving people faster. You were the perfect role model and a virtuous woman when you were alive and you impacted a lot of people. It’s another year to celebrate your passing but your legacy still lives.

14. Mom, I will always appreciate you for being the force behind my greatness, I am forever grateful. I am sure you are looking down and you are very proud. I really miss you, mom.

15. Your death had a great effect on me, it still does. It made me understand more about life and how to face challenges on my own. I was able to face these challenges because of the knowledge you had impacted me with. Thank you, Mom, I will always love

16. They say good people must die but your name did not die with you, it’s been 2 years and your name still lives like you are still alive. Rest on, Mama.

17. Honestly, Mom, since you left, I have ceased to be happy especially when we celebrate this day every year. I will always love you, Mom, rest in peace till eternity.

18. Words can’t describe how precious you are to me, your death will forever be the saddest event in my life and no one will ever fill the void you occupy in my heart. May you continue to rest in perfect peace.

19. Every day spent without you feels meaningless. It’s been two years and I still can’t come to a realization that I will never see your face on earth again. I miss you, mom.

20. If wishes were horses, I would wish that you never die and that you be with me forever. losing you changed my life and it has been difficult not having your support and words of encouragement. It’s been two years and I still really miss you.

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1st Death Anniversary Quotes For Grandmother

21. Grandma, losing you has been a pain I haven’t gotten over for the past year. I still feel your presence in all the four corners of this house. I will always miss you, grandma.

22. It is heartbreaking having to part ways with you, I miss your sumptuous meals, your enlightening stories, and your words of wisdom. Rest on, Grandma, you have been greatly missed.

23. We are celebrating your one-year passing not only as a grandmother but as an icon who has impacted the lives of many and that of her families too, you will be greatly missed.

24. It marks a year today of holding onto your memories and waiting for you to come back. It’s dawn on me that you have gone to be with God in paradise. I pray that you continually rest in peace.

25. You lived a great life worthy of emulation and celebration. It completes a year today of grieving your death. I will always cherish you, I love you, Grandma. Keep enjoying your rest!

26. I miss when you used to hug me, pat me gently on my back, console me, and advise me. My heart bleeds every time I think of you, I pray you enjoy eternal peace in heaven.

27. It’s 365 days of you not physically present in my life. I keep wondering why death was too cruel to take you away from me. The only thing that gives me joy is knowing that you are safe in heaven.

28. Your demise made me understand that truly there are angels on earth and you were one. It’s a year since you passed on but your spirit still abides with us. I will always love you, Grandma.

29. My Grandma took the liberty to always pray for me every morning and every night, it’s so sad you are not here to see how your prayers are being answered. I will never forget you grandma, continue to rest on.

30. It’s another year of celebration and grief, we celebrate you for being a great person while you were alive and for being in heaven with God but at the same time, it is devastating that we will never get to see you again. I miss you, Grandma.

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Grandma Death Anniversary Quotes

31. Anyone who didn’t know his/her grandma really missed out on a great experience. Grandmas are wonderful people and mine was exceptionally wonderful. Your death was really heartbreaking but I am glad you are away from this gruesome world. Continue to rest in peace.

32. Your memories will always be fresh on your death anniversaries and every day of my life. Thank you for being a positive influence in my life. We have missed you and we will continue to do so.

33. Tragically, you had to leave, we can’t fight God, He knows best. I will always pray for your departed soul to rest in peace. I love you, grandma. Your impact remains unforgettable.

34. Grandma, your departure has created a void, having to lose you was difficult, and living life without is much difficult, the past year has been hell without you. I look forward to the day we will meet in heaven. I love you, Mama.

35. It’s another year to celebrate your demise. We are saying goodbye but not goodbye forever, we want you to know that your memories will always linger in our hearts.

36. I hope and pray that in every one of your death anniversaries, I get to see a glimpse of you. Well, now I realize you are gone forever and I won’t be able to see you physically again. Continue to rest in peace, Mom.

37. On this day, I lost you forever to the cold hands of death. It is sad and heartbreaking to not see you again, you will be greatly missed, Grandma.

38. It’s been years since you left the face of earth but your memories are still in our hearts. your death anniversaries make me remember them vividly, both the happy and sad moments.

39. My heart aches more on your death anniversaries because it reminds me that I will never get to see you, touch you, and embrace you anymore. You are such an amazing mother who doesn’t deserve to die anymore.

40. Grandma, Your death made me understand more about life and how it works. Over the years it has made me stronger and a better version of myself. The memories I have of you have become a part of me and it keeps me going.

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Death Anniversary Message For Grandmother

41. Today marks another year of grandmother’s passing. Her love and bravery motivate and inspire me every day. Your memories will forever be in my heart.

42. Grandma, you were one of the few people I looked up to as a mentor and role model, your wisdom and knowledge were incomparable. Even if you are gone forever, I still wish that I get to see you once.

43. It’s another year of your passing but your death still feels new to us, like it was just yesterday. I think about you every day and all of the stories and folktales you were yet to narrate to me. I miss you, grandma.

44. You made me realize few good people in this people would go to any length to help anyone. Grandma, you were one of those truly good people. When you died, the earth felt it because you were a treasure. I will forever love you, grandma.

45. Your death anniversary is the most painful day for me. You hold a special place in my heart that no one can ever replace. Continue to rest in peace, Grandma.

46. It is a bitter truth but everyone will die, yours came quicker or I wasn’t ready to accept you would leave us this’s your death anniversary grams and it feels like you are here with us.

47. Today is another day to remind me that I lost a treasure, an idol, and a grandma. I miss you so much and I pray you continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

48. Grandma, you were the pillar that held this family together, this family wouldn’t have been known globally if not for you. You have left a legacy behind that we will always look up to. We are celebrating another year of your demise, please know that we will always love you and cherish all that you have done.

49. You taught me everything I know today, how to be strong, brave, hardworking, confident, and diligent, i never knew you were preparing me for a time like this when I won’t see you again. I love you, Grandma, continue to rest.

50. I will be the happiest on earth if I ever get a chance to hug you again. I never thought losing you would break me like this. I really miss you, Grandma.

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