Comforting Words For A Mother Who Lost Her Daughter

60 Encouraging and Comforting Words For A Mother Who Lost Her Daughter

One of the saddest things that can happen to a parent is losing a child, it’s a terrible occurrence that comes with severe heartache. If you have a friend or loved one who lost a child, it is very good to send them condolences. With these comforting words for a mother who lost her daughter, you will be able to extend your condolences.

Although no amount of words can take away the pain but words are so powerful and effective, that knowing that friends and family have them in their thoughts as they go through this difficult time can be a source of consolation.

The relationship between daughter and mother cannot be known, it’s a mystery no one can possibly unravel. Losing a daughter is like losing the whole world to a mother. The left cannot be easily filled by someone else, an attempt can only be made by sending consoling words to the bereaved mother.

Here are what to say to encourage a woman who lost her daughter.

Encouraging Words For The Loss Of A Daughter

1. The news of the death of Monica was so disheartening, she was such a loving soul and everyone who has been with her will miss her so much, I’m deeply sorry for the loss.

2. I was so weighed down when I heard about the loss of Jessica, her death came as a great shock to me, just know that I love you and I care so much about you. Call me if you need anything.

3. The time I spent with Mirabel was such a gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life and her impact on the lives of my kids will forever be cherished. I am very heartbroken to hear about her death.

4. No amount of words can be able to describe how much I felt for you, your daughter was a very kind person, and the world was a better place because she was in it. I wish her soul a perfect rest.

5. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, may the peace of God rest upon you. So sorry for the loss.

6. Here is my deepest condolences to you and your family for the loss of your daughter, her legacy will continue to live in the hearts of everyone who met her. I’m so sorry for the loss.

7. Sending you my most heartfelt condolences upon the death of your daughter, Caira was a unique lady with a good sense of humor and she will be missed by all. I’m always here for you!

8. Moreen left a permanent footprint in our hearts and we won’t cease to celebrate her good gift every day. We are so sorry for her demise. May the Lord be with you and your family.

9. I will never forget how kindhearted and gracious your daughter was, she was such a nice person and these memories will stay with me forever. I wish her gentle soul a peaceful rest.

10. I’m so sorry for your loss and I want to let you know that I’m here for you, especially after this loss, feel free to put a call through to me if there is anything I can help with, I love you so much.

Quotes For A Mother Who Lost Her Daughter

11. Your daughter was a great example to my child and I will forever cherish her influence in my daughter’s life, though I can’t possibly understand what you are going through I want to let you know that I love you and I’m praying for you and your family.

12. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and my prayers, Julie was a very good friend of mine and I will never forget how far we have gone, I’m always here for you when you need anyone to talk to. So sorry for your loss.

13. I love you so much you can always call me if you need any assistance, I’m so sorry for the demise of your daughter, may you find comfort in her memories.

14. I wanted to let you know that I feel your pain, the bond you shared with your daughter was so strong and will never fade. May you find peace and joy in God’s word and may the gentle soul of your beautiful daughter rest in eternal peace.

15. It is so sad to hear about the passing of your dear daughter, I want you to know that I’m here for you as you grieve her loss and I hope you heal as soon as possible. So sorry for your loss.

16. No amount of words can explain the pain and anguish you are feeling for the loss of your daughter, my prayer for you is that God sends his mighty hand of comfort upon you and heals your broken heart.

17. No one can envisage the pain you are feeling right but I want you to know that your daughter lived a great life and she will forever be with us. Please reach out to me if there is anything I can assist you with.

18. I’m so sorry to hear about the death of Cassandra, she had a special place in my heart and I will forever cherish the bond we shared. Stay strong and don’t forget I care about you and I’m always with you.

19. I’m deeply sorrowful for the demise of Joyce, I hope the memories of her bring you comfort and peace. I am always here for you if you need a helping hand. My deepest condolences for your loss.

20. Words can’t express how sad I am when I hear about the loss of Elisabeth, my heart feels so heavy. May the good God rest her so. I will see you later today, call me if you need anything before then. I love you so much.

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Loss Of A Daughter Message

21. I’m deeply sorry for the loss of Eunice, I can’t imagine any deeper pain than what you are feeling right now and my heart aches so much for you and your family, I pray that the Lord heal you all.

22. I want to sincerely express my heartiest condolences for the loss of your daughter and I want you to know that she was an awesome person and will forever be remembered by us all.

23. I can’t even imagine waking up every day and not receiving a call or text from my beloved friend, the memories we had together will be cherished forever. Know that together we will get over this grief. I love you and you can always count on me.

24. Please accept my deepest sympathy as you grieve the loss of your dear daughter, I feel this loss so deeply and you can’t even imagine how you will be feeling right now but please be comforted knowing that she is in a better place.

25. I’m sending you a lot of hugs and love during this challenging time, and I’m so sorry for the loss of Alexandra, it was such a pleasure knowing her. May her soul rest in peace.

26. I’m deeply sorry to hear of your loss and I want you to know that I’m always here when you need a shoulder to lean on, can I come and see you later today?

27. Josephine was so loved and adored by all of us and I’m so sad to hear about her demise, may the joy of the Lord dwell with you forever. Know that I’m thinking about you always.

28. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with, I’m so sorry for your loss and I want you to know that you are not alone, I’m always here for you.

29. It’s so painful to hear about the loss of Caramel but I want you to know that I’m sharing in your sorrow and I’m so sorry you are going through this. Please take heart.

30. I’m so sorrowful you had to go through this heartbreak, I want you to know that your daughter brought so much into the world and she will never be forgotten. Please let me know how I can support you.

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Words Of Sympathy For The Loss Of A Grown Daughter

31. Sending all of my love to you and your family upon the death of your beloved daughter, know that I will be glad to help in any way you want me to. Please accept my sympathy for your loss.

32. I want you to know that I’m thinking of you in this period and I will always stand by you, Roseline was such a remarkable and beautiful soul and we forever be remembered by every one of us.

33. I was so grieved at the news of Monica’s death and I can’t even believe she is truly gone, please don’t hesitate to call me if you need help with anything, I’m always available. Sorry for your loss.

34. No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss, I hope your happy memories bring you comfort. I’m always here for you, let me know when you are ready to talk.

35. I’m so sorry you are going through this and I want to let you know that you are not in this alone I’m thinking of you as you pass through this difficult time of the loss of your daughter.

36. Although Juliet may be gone what I know for sure is that the family bond can not be broken by death, she is with you now and always and her memory is a beautiful one.

37. It’s so sad to hear about the loss of your daughter, I pray you find the boldness and support you need to overcome this challenging time. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

38. I can’t imagine your grief at the demise of Melina, please accept my deepest condolences. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and my doors are open to you.

39. I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter and I trust God to help you through this difficult time, can I bring some groceries for you later today, if you don’t mind?

40. Thinking of you and your family as you go through this phase, may you find joy in the memory of your daughter, and may the Lord be with you and your family. Please accept my condolences.

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Quotes On Losing A Daughter

41. The memory of you brings tears to my eyes, you just left without looking back, you left without saying goodbye, I never imagined you leaving me behind in this world, I love you and you will forever be in my heart.

42. You are everything I prayed for, your death brings so much pain to my marrow, it’s just like my life is about to end, you are my treasure and the only person that makes me happy, I will forever cherish you, my sweet daughter.

43. You may not be here with me physically but I know I always have you beside me, no matter how many years pass, the pain of losing you remains fresh in my heart, I miss you so much my priceless jewel.

44. My dearest daughter, you were the only friend I had, my only best friend, the moment you left, a ray of sunshine was missing on earth, you will forever be remembered. I love you so much.

45. If only death collected ransom, I would have sold all I had to keep you alive, you may be no more but your spirit will forever remain. You are my daughter, my love, and my happiness.

46. My princess, although you are gone the influence of your love will forever lighten up my life, I will forever cherish the beautiful moment we share and hold you close to my heart.

47. The pain of losing you is inestimable, it’s just like my whole life crumbled before me, your absence is an emptiness that can never be occupied but the love and amazing moments we shared remain eternal.

48. I never imagined a life without you but now reality trucked me and here I am grieving my favorite person on earth, I love you so much and I hope your memories bring me moments of healing in this pain.

49. Though you are no longer here, you will always be in my heart, my thoughts are always with you and Your love never stops to shape and motivate me I will forever cherish the time we had.

50. The pain of losing you is so deep, you are my joy and my happiness, in your absence the world seems a little dimmer because you are the light in my life. I missed you so much, my Love.

Comforting Words For A Mother Who Lost Her Daughter

51. I am deeply saddened by the news of the loss of your daughter. My heartfelt sympathy and love go out to you and your family. Your daughter was such a joyful spirit. She’ll always be remembered in our memories. Sending love, blessings, and prayers to all of you.

52. With deepest sorrow, I extend my thoughts and prayers for your daughter. I cannot imagine the pain a mother must be going through. I hope you find peace soon.

53. With sincere sympathy and genuine grief, I’m sending you thoughts and prayers for the loss of your charming daughter, I am sorry that you have to go through this. May God give you comfort and peace of mind.

54. Accept my condolences and prayers. Your daughter had a wonderful life, and I am sure she was blessed to have a father like you. Let’s pray for her soul to rest and for your serenity

55. I want to sympathize with such a tragic event. Your daughter had a full life filled with laughter and joy. May her memories live on with us, I don’t know what to say to you, but may almighty give you the strength to deal with this situation. I am so sorry for your loss.

56. I can’t even imagine how much pain you are going through now. Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family, To the mother of the most wonderful daughter, I am sending my thoughts and prayers. She was a strong She was a strong and delightful person. I hope she finds solace wherever she is.

57. You had a beautiful daughter. She will always be in our hearts. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. The loss of your beautiful daughter deeply saddens me. I know no words can comfort you now. But I hope time will bring a little comfort to your heart.

58. We are sorry for the loss of your daughter. I pray that you find the strength to face the challenges ahead, My deepest condolences for your loss. Please don’t think about it too much.

59. Our lives are intertwined in such a way that it feels like we’ve lost a daughter too. Please know you’ve my deepest condolences and genuine prayers, No words are enough to convey the grief or offer condolences for what you’ve lost. Your daughter was a charming person; it’s hard to believe she’s not here.

60. I know that you had so many plans, and so many dreams about your baby girl; I am just feeling so horrible right now. May God give you the strength to bear this pain.

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