Tribute To A Sister Who Passed Away

50 Goodbye Messages and Tribute To A Sister Who Passed Away or Died Suddenly

Sisters are special beings in a person’s life, they take an irreplaceable space in one’s heart. So when a person loses his or her sister, it could be heartbreaking and difficult to write or say a tribute. The void left behind could be very devastating and difficult to fill up.

When writing a tribute to a sister who passed away, it needs to be a hearty and thoughtful message. It should contain all the happy feelings and moments that you have shared with your sister. There is nothing you can do to reverse the situation, you just have to summon courage and move on with your life. I share in your pain and I pray that you find consolation soonest.

You would want to share the great things she has achieved and how good she was to you and her loved one but might not be able to express yourself because of the pain. I have written below words you can use to express yourself during your sister’s tribute if you don’t know how to or struggle with coming up with the right words.

Tribute To My Sister Who Passed Away

1. My sister was the best of all the sisters in the world, I can’t still get the fact that you’ve passed away. I still talk to you in your room, I know it’s weird but I don’t think so. I will continue to miss you, my love.

2. I will continue to miss you, my darling sister. I have not been someone who will be able to fill the hole that your death has placed in my heart, I will forever be grateful to be your brother.

3. As you leave today, I shall forever be grateful for all you have done in my life. When everyone saw me as a burden and the black sheep in the family, you saw me differently.

4. My sister was truly a diamond from the sky, the best cheerleader in the whole world. Whenever the bullies tried to get close, she always stood up for me. I love you, sis!

5. You got up so I could get up again, I love you Sis., and will always cherish your words of encouragement. Dad knew I would be safe that’s why he made sure we attended the same school and you are gone now. Rest in love!

6. There are no better words to describe how I feel inside, I can’t hold my tears from rolling out. I love you dearest sister, I am short of words to describe what you mean to me. I will continue to hold you dearly!

7. My sister was an angel from God, I can’t remember seeing my sis angry for long or holding grudges. She was a free spirit being, who loved peace and made sure everyone was safe.

8. I don’t know how someone can pray for people she doesn’t know. My sister was that person who would wake up early and pray for the family and our annoying neighbors. I pray you rest in peace, Sis!!

9. My sister was the best, she would always take care of the house when my mom was not around. She would take care of the house with so much joy and without complaints. Just know babe that the house misses you.

10. Hallelujah!! I know my sister is in the safest place in the world. She was the best thing to happen to me and my family and I hope she gets all the happiness as she stands before the lord.

Tribute To A Sister Who Died Of Cancer

11. I hate to say this but damn all the doctors in the world, they’ve not been able to get a cure since cancer took my sis. I can’t believe it but I hope you are in the best of all places.

12. It’s hard to know or believe that you gave up on me after you gave me your word that you would fight it but you didn’t. I’m scared and I miss you but I will be strong because that’s what you would want.

13. My sister was a kind and pure soul, there was no one that she wasn’t free with. The gate, cleaner and cook were cheerful whenever she was in the house but she was gone and the house felt empty.

14. It’s so sad, like death why? Out of everyone in the world why my sister? She was so happy and contented with everything, she never complained but instead worked through situations. Rest on dear sis.

15. Even though you are not here for my graduation, you are still my sister. I will follow your life teaching on how to live life after school and ways to resolve issues. I will forever be your biggest fan, Dolly!

16. I will not forget or forsake those words of wisdom that you shared with me and our cousin. Shola can boldly say that she misses you and wishes you were still alive. Just know that we don’t take you for granted.

17. I miss dragging food with you. Mom and dad’s barely have time for themselves lately not to talk of having time for me. You will forever be loved in my heart my padi for life.

18. I have continued your cancer project. I have started creating awareness among the public on the side effects of cancer and ways to discover it. Your lovely deed will not go unnoticed or forgotten.

19. My backbone, you stayed behind when mom was leaving dad. You chose me over her and now you have gone, I sincerely appreciate your help throughout my life to date. I love you, Tomi!

20. I’m short of words, I can’t help but remember you saying you would not leave me but cancer said no to you staying alive. I love you Tolu and I want you to know that I will take care of our parents the way you did.

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Goodbye Message To A Sister Who Passed Away

21. They say that “you never know what you have till it’s gone” It hits badly now. I never truly valued your care and sweetness. You would always cover up for me when I sneaked out to see Blessing. Continue to rest in peace!

22. My sister was more than a superhero, always saving the day and offering help to strangers. She never believed in tribes and all but offered help to anyone who needed help.

23. The pain still hits hard and it’s not easy letting go of the memories that I shared with you. The sweetest of all my sisters, the jet li in the family, I love you and pray you rest in peace.

24. My sister was a prayer warrior in the family, she always prayed for me to change and saw the good in me. Ever since you passed on no one has taken up your prayer habits. Rest on sis!

25. I love you and will continue to miss you, dear Deborah, you acted like the brother I never had. You were both my brother and sister and I will forever cherish all the memories we had together.

26. Everybody is missing you here. She was an optimistic person, when bad things were going on in our lives then, she always held on to this positivity that things would get back to normal.

27. Shine on sis, I hope you are resting in a great place now. My sister was always seeing the good in a person and a thing. She believed that people should be treated well and for that, she was loved.

28. My sister was the best in every way. She looked out for people’s well-being. I remember when our neighbor left their kids without food, my sister fed them and cared for them.

29. Your good deeds are opening doors for me and Daddy now. The kindness that you poured into the lives of people is helping us get through life situations. We miss you and wish you rest, dear Sister!

30. Goodbye, dear sister, you don’t know what you have till you lose it. You were the light and bond that held the family. I have not been able to hold the family like you used to.

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Farewell Message To A Sister Who Passed Away

31. I wish you see and dwell in the good light as you pass over. You were so pure and kind, you saw the good in everyone even with the worst of them all. Goodbye dear

32. My love and respect for you will never go dry or reduce because you did good and right things in the lives of people around you and within your household. Sleep on Nana!

33. The Margret Tacha in the house! I remember when we went for family meetings and Sis. Shalom suggested Daddy remarry. You kicked against it and told her not to force that on Daddy, goodbye dearest, I miss you greatly.

34. You had all the connections in the world at your convenience. You helped and referred a lot of people to big companies without commission. They still come around to show appreciation.

35. My heart breaks down any time I think of you and realize that I will never see you again. I will never eat your meal and go for your work hangouts. I know you are happy in Heaven.

36. I had planned so much for your wedding not knowing you would pass away so soon. I am devastated that you are gone now and couldn’t witness your wedding, rest in peace, Sis.

37. You were so happy when you received the welcome letter from Biz Ben Enterprises. You’ve always dreamt of working there and, sadly, you can not resume now. farewell greetings dearest sister!

38. My sister was so caring and loving to everyone even strangers. She always wanted to see everyone full of joy and love wherever she was. I will forever hold you in my heart.

39. As I say goodbye to you today, I want you to rest in peace. You were a bright star in our paths when you were alive. I will miss you and I will continue to live your legacy.

40. Shalom should be awarded as the peacemaker you are. My sister was very peaceful with everyone and everything that came her way, she is not one to pay back evil with evil. I love you and wish you rest!

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Tribute To A Sister Who Died Suddenly

41. Your sudden death came as a shock to everyone. I will continue to appreciate you every day as you are gone and I wish you eternal peace as you rest on.

42. Darling Janet, how sad it is that you never got the time to witness your birthday. I had already planned it out the way you would have loved it to be but your sudden death has robbed you from us.

43. Daddy still blames himself for your unexpected death. He feels he is the cause of your death because he didn’t listen to your pleas in your marriage but I know you have forgiven him and want him to be happy.

44. My sister was a bright and beautiful soul. She kept on doing good everywhere she went, she truly deserves an award for being the person she was on earth. Your goodness will never be forgotten.

45. I was the black sheep in the house, I committed offenses and went against every rule set by Mom and Dad. When Dad took me to the juvenile home cause of my bad behavior, you took my side and spoke on my behalf. I will continue to miss you, Dear!

46. Your sudden death has shown how much of a loser I am. I took you for granted and never acknowledged you as my sister. I hope you forgive me wherever you are and goodbye as you rest on.

47. I would have been a drug addict if not for my sister. You did everything possible to ensure that I was safe from drugs. I look forward to meeting you again when it’s time for me to go.

48. My heart bleeds anything I remember the cause of your death. How careless I was! I can’t forgive myself and I feel devastated that you passed on so quickly.

49. We were inseparable but your death has separated us. If anyone had told me that you would miss my graduation I would not have believed it. Your sudden death robbed me big time and I will continue to hold you dearly in my heart.

50. Today, I say goodbye to the most reserved and respectful being in our home, you carried the family responsibility at a young age and feared no one. I will continue to cherish you dearest sister.

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