What To Say To Someone Who Lost A Loved One Over Text

40 Words of Comfort and What To Say To Someone Who Lost A Loved One Over Text

Sympathizing with someone can be very draining especially when you have to send them a text to express your feelings. To send a text message to someone who is still in sorrow requires a lot of patience, and you need to pick your words in order not to hurt their feelings in any way. Losing someone closer is a pain that never goes away, yet it fades away. What to say to someone who lost a loved one over text is the fastest way to make the feelings disappear.

It is hard to know what to write in a sympathy card to a friend who has just lost a loved one, either by long-term illness or sudden death, however, a sympathy card must be sent to them to let them know they are not alone in this world and that there are a lot of people who still care so much about them.

Sympathizing with people who lost their loved ones is important, you need to console them with soft words, and you need to let them know the reality of life that the person is gone and that he will not be happy seeing them moody all day long. These people need to be consoled with amazing words to make them feel better and relaxed.

Words To Comfort Someone Who Lost A Loved One

1. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, it felt so sudden, and I feel bad to hear about her sudden demise, she was a great inspiration to me, she filled the roles of a mother, mentor, and boss in my life. I am so sorry for your loss.

2. Your brother is like a father to my friend and me, he filled the role of a Father figure in our life, and we are so sorry to learn about his sudden demise, we hope he finds peace wherever he is, and I pray to God to stay with the entire family during this hard time.

3. I am so sorry to learn about the death of your boyfriend, I know how much you are attached to him and I know the damage his death is going to cause you, I know he is in a better place now, far from all the life struggle, and I know he won’t love to see you grieving for long.

4. I just learned about the death of your twin sister, I know how much you cherished each other and how much she means to you, so it is with a heavy heart I am writing this, accept my deepest condolences.

5. I learned about the death of your uncle just last night, it was so saddening that I cannot take my mind off it, I know he is the family breadwinner, and how much damage his death would have caused, please accept my heartfelt messages to you and your family.

6. I am sorry for the loss of your dear teacher, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. The entire school knows how close you are to her, we all know she is your favorite teacher, and we don’t want this to affect your education so much, pls don’t hesitate to come to talk to the school counselor.

7. My deepest sympathy goes out to you my darling daughter, I know how close you are to Mary and I know how her death will greatly affect your studies, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything I can do to help.

8. I heard the news, my friend, I can’t even understand how I am feeling right now or how you will be feeling, I just want you to take it easy on yourself, it is not your fault, it is no one fault, and it is part of destiny, I will be here to help.

9. I am sending you my prayers and condolences for the loss of your brother, I know he is the only family you have and I know how hard his death will hit you, but you have to be strong for his children, and I will be willing to help anytime.

10. Your father was like a brother to me, he took me as his immediate younger brother and trained me through school, I am here to repay the favor to you, and his children, so don’t hesitate to reach out to, me please, I am very sorry for your loss.

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How To Comfort Someone Who Lost Loved Ones Over Text

11. The death of your sister came as a shock to everyone who knows her, she is just so caring and hardworking, I am writing this with a heavy heart, I felt so sad when I learned of her death, Take heart bro.

12. I called her mother because she filled the role of a mother I never knew, I appreciate her presence in my life, she is such a great inspiration to us all, I am so sad to hear about her demise, take heart, please.

13. Accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother, it is just so sad to hear about her death, it is just so sudden and I felt so sad to learn about his death, take heart please, and I pray that God will be with you.

14. My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your worker, I pray her soul finds the peace she deserved, stay strong please, her death is just so sudden and heartbroken, I am sorry you have to pass through this.

15. Your brother’s death is so shocking, it came as a great shock to us all, no one ever expected from him, although he was old but not old enough for us, I am so sorry to learn about his demise, I know how much he means to you, may God be with you.

16. I read the headlines and that is how I got to know about the sudden demise of your uncle, I know how much he means to the whole family, his death is just so sudden to all, I pray he finds the peace he deserves.

17. Accept my deepest condolences on the loss of your sister, it is so sad to hear about her sudden demise, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need any assistance from my side, I will always be there for you.

18. I know how much you missed and cherished your school son, I know his death came out as a shock to you as it is to us all, you need to take heart and be strong, mainly for your parent, as they will not be happy to see you in this state of mind.

19. I learned about the death of your school father, I know how much he means to you, and how much you are attached to him, I will be there for you, I promise, may God lay him to rest in peace.

20. Cancer is wicked and dangerous, he took her away despite the sacrifice we made, I am just so dumbfounded, that I don’t even know what to write, I just hope he is in a better place now, and may God be with the entire family.

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Words Of Comfort After Death

21. I can’t find the words to express how sorry I am for your loss. Your mother’s legacy of kindness and love will continue to inspire us all. Please know that I’m here for you during this difficult time.

22 . Losing a parent is an unimaginable pain. Please remember that you’re not alone in your grief, I will always be there for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything from my side, I will always be there for you.

23. During this time of loss, know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers, Choosing one’s parent is indeed a bad experience that no one ever wished to pass through, I am so sorry for your loss.

24. Now that we are done with the burial of your father, the next thing is to put yourself together and face the reality of life, you can always count on me for anything at all, I will be there for you, I am so sorry for your loss.

25. My sincere Condolences To the entire family, you are in my prayers and thoughts in this trying time, your mother and father’s legacy will live on through the love she passed onto you, I am so sorry for your loss.

26. I can’t find the right words to describe how sad I have been since I learned about the death of your brother, it left me shattered and broken, I just pray he finds peace wherever he is, take heart dear.

27. I am deeply sorry to hear about the death of your boss, I know how close you both her, and I am sorry you have to go through this pain over again, I pray your mind finds the peace that you deserve.

28. I felt so sad to learn about his health issues, I did not know he passed away already, I am so sorry for your loss, I feel so sad to hear about his sudden demise, accept my sincere condolences.

29. My mind, thoughts, and prayers are with you during this grieving period, I felt so bad about the whole thing, I could have stayed with him in the hospital that night, perhaps he might have lived a little bit, I am so sad right now.

30. Stop blaming yourself for the loss, it is not your fault you tried all possible best to make him stay, it is the way God wants it, accept my heartfelt condolences, my darling daughter.

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What To Say When Someone Dies Quotes

31. I know she is in a better world now, a peaceful world, she is having her peaceful sleep right now and undisturbed, and the sky looks so dark on the night of her demise, I am sorry the entire family is going through the pain.

32. Say no to grieving, he is no more but we are grateful for his previous existence, Don’t worry too much, the entire family is ready to stay with you during this time, and even more, bring yourself together for the children.

33. Life is too short for my liking, it took away all our loved ones within a twinkle of an eye, it is so sad that we will not be seeing your darling Friends any longer, I felt bad for you, life holds a lot for us than expected.

34. Life is like a beautiful flower that sheds leaves now and then, your brother’s death came as a shock to all, it is the least expected, I pray his soul finds peace wherever he is, and I pray he gives you the strength to withstand the loss.

35. Hold on to the beautiful memories you had together, I know he is no more but his beautiful memories will stay with you forever, cherish those memories and hold on to them, I am so sorry to hear about his demise.

36. He is in a different world now, entirely different from this cruel world, I grieved with you on the loss of your boyfriend, it is so disheartening to hear about his sudden death, take heart, my dear friend.

37. Death is wicked and cruel, he took away our loved ones from us without considering how life without them would look like, it is so sad that your brother has gone too soon, don’t think about it too much, I will be here to help.

38. Life can be so unfair to us, the death of your cousin is so shocking to the entire community, the young boy fought so hard but did not win, he is in a good place now, and he won’t be happy seeing you like this.

39. Don’t let the death of your brother destroy you, put yourself together and do great things in life, when he looks back he will be happy about your achievements so far in life.

40. Death can only kill a soul, not the memories created together, hold on to the beautiful memories you both create and you will feel his presence for a second, it is so sad to say goodbye to precious ones, take heart dear.

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